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Grumpy Dumpling

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Letter sent on the 3rd day of Noe, 1172.

Dear Saninas,

I'm not sure how, but a cat wondered into my lab yesterday. Rather than let it pillage my work, I moved it to my living quarters for the time being. In the past, you've mentioned owning such creature, and I would like some advice. So far, I've purchased a food and water dish, some food, a litter box, and some litter. Is this sufficient for the few days it will be staying with me while I find it better accommodations?


P.S. I've noticed the creature occasionally glaring at me. Do you happen to know what this is about?

Letter sent on the 8th day of Noe, 1172.

Dear Saninas,

I've gone ahead and purchased two beds for the creature. Is it normal behaviour for it to ignore the beds and instead sit in the boxes they came in? As I understand it, felines like warmth and softness, yet cardboard does not provide either of these benefits. Even more curious, she seems to be tearing off pieces of the box. This concerns me, but I don't think any damage is being done to the creature.

Concerning the creature's future accommodations , I have yet to find someone adequate. Hopefully, this does not take long.


Letter sent on the 19th day of Noe, 1172.

Dear Saninas,

I've realized that the cat will be with me longer than I've anticipated, so I've taken your advice and had her sterilized. Even though she much prefers the indoors, I'd rather not come home one day and find six more.

You've mentioned that all felines are different, but I expected her to act more like your cat did. Rather than meow incessantly, she is much quieter and will go hours, if not a day or two, between meows. I took it upon myself to study up on vocalizations in cats, assuming this would be the best method of communication, but that does not appear to be the case. Rather than meow at me to get my attention, she will instead rub against my leg while I'm sitting or even jump on my desk while working.

Sadly, it does appear that she has the nasty habit of shoving objects off of tables and shelves. To counter this, I've locked any and all dangerous materials in a safe while putting fragile things in a glass display case. She may be clever, but she does not have apposable thumbs.


Letter sent on the 4th day of Yues, 1172.

Dear Saninas,

It has been approximately a month since Shadow has entered my life. As you alluded to, she seems to be here to stay. A few days ago, Shadow sat on my lap while I was reading a book. Never in my life have I thought of myself as a "chosen one," but now I have an idea of what that might feel like.

While some may say that cats are leeches, I've found this to be quite the opposite. While Shadow does require me to buy her food, pay for rent, and clean her litter box, the companionship she graces me with far outweighs the cost of care. She fills the whole in my heart that was left when my wife passed all those years ago.

Shadow has saved me, and I cannot thank her enough.


P.S. I've discovered the reason Shadow has been glaring at me on occasion. This occurs when she has either just woken up or is about to fall asleep. She is sleepy.